With […] I had prayed off and on for years.I am indebted to my friend. And oh, a praying partner! Main Idea: We must have real love for our real neighbors, right now! He comes on Friday evenings at 6:30. But I cling to my Jesus Christ Lord with as much strength as I can muster. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "We exist to show real people with real problems real love. She knows my ugly stuff, and she loves me. The one left without a seat becomes "It." She believes in me.This past week, I sat on my couch with eyes glued to CNN absorbing the horrifying details of a monstrous injustice. George Miller's Paddington 3. She was divorced. It’s amazing how we all come to faith in such different ways… What a gift, Lyli, to have such a friend and be such a friend! Thank you for the questions too…I’m going to use these with my small group. Official Discussion: Won't You Be My Neighbor? Perfect.Every week, she came with questions: Where in the Bible does it talk about this? May we all begin to notice the communities we live in.I think isolation is a big tool of the enemy… Plus, if you look at the life of Christ, He was always in community. Week 1 – Discussion Guide.

They stood in his doorway, but never shed light in dark corners. You made a good point when you mentioned the neighborhood where 3 women were captive.

Who will you reach out to first?ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Beautiful.

Want to Lead a Discussion? A portrait of a man whom we all think we know, this documentary is an emotional and moving film that takes you beyond zip-up cardigans and the land of make-believe, and into the heart of a creative genius, who inspired generations of children with compassion and limitless imagination. Thank you for making me think about ways to make it a more deliberate kind of accountability in our group.I need to write a post on small groups… you are giving me ideas! [SPOILERS] Discussion.

She was blossoming right before my eyes. Such a beautiful post, Lyli. In his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul urges us to “walk in a worthy manner” — he elaborates by stating:let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor,The life of a disciple requires some form of accountability.

What can your small group do for your communities that demonstrate God’s love?As we move forth in the community this week, let’s not limit who our neighbor is. In our Christian community, We have groups and I have a pastoral leader. Yes, He had times alone where He rested and prayed, but the majority of His life He shared with friends.I love it when I come across such God-loving bloggers and their posts. "Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Intentional accountability — I think we have coined a phrase!Great post, Lyli! May 13, 2013 by Lyli . The person names two people and they try to exchange seats with the present neighbors while the one in the middle tries to get one of the vacated seats. JudySo glad you stopped by, Judy. Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into dyads or triads for this section.In Exodus 12:4 Moses gives instructions for the Israelites to prepare the passover. what a beautiful story. […] of the tough questions I have to answer when I meet with my spiritual accountability partner is “Are the ‘real you’ and the ‘visible you’ […][…] wise accountability partner, Brenda, brought me a visual reminder to place on my desk to help me stay the course. I am still in Texas.

I am so thankful for the gift of her friendship.“I want to open my doors wide and let the sun shine in.” Amen!

I met her for lunch, and we hit the Bible bookstore. filmmaker Morgan Neville shares why the world created by Fred Rogers isn’t corny — it’s “essential.” READ MORE. She will have “an eye” for things that you might miss — letting her in will make your heart a more inviting place to visit.Oh, Lyli…as I began reading this I could not take a breath as I read and read to the end. She helps me stay on the straight path. Moderator of r/movies Archived. She taught in a public school.

I am printing out your accountability questions. Close. Week 1 – Discussion Guide

This plan is based on Pastor Kris Brown's July 2020 message, "Won’t You Be My Neighbor?"

How do I tell my family about my faith? And for so many years! If the person answers, "I don't like my neighbors," the person in the middle asks, "Who would you like to be your neighbors? :^) Thanks for this post! I have had two special sisters in Christ who have moved…one to Oregon, one to Virginia. If so, what are some of the solutions you would suggest?

I listen every week. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! If any family is too small for a whole turkey, invite them to share some of yours!This coming week is Thanksgiving. Yesterday, he talked about the gifts of the Spirit.” Her appetite for spiritual things started to challenge me.“Do you have an accountability partner?” she asked one day. They talked about superficial things.

She was in love with my Savior. We had class together all day on Saturday — two four-hour courses back to back with a 90-minute lunch break in between. “Do you know about this speaker? I taught English.

We had class together all day on Saturday — two four-hour courses back to back with a 90-minute lunch break in between.

loving you, ~ lindaLinda, praying you connect with a kindred spirit. She hopped in my car to go grab a bite to eat a few times, and as the weeks went by we learned a little bit about each other. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? She taught Spanish. User account menu. I knew well who she was seeking. 722. I so enjoyed reading.

My husband and I were actually co-leading a group for singles at our church when we started dating.What a blessing that you have this accountability partner. (((hugs)))Awesome, Beth! I have many friends with whom I relate closely and spiritually, but not with such regularity and intention. She was seeking spiritually. 722. I want to open my doors wide and let the sun shine in. It’s so freeing to be able to share and revel in loving God together in this crazy world, online and otherwise.Stephanie, you have the gift of encouragement. 2 years ago. I had never been married.

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