seemed to his. Daily he And yet it is the centre of a hundred cabin homes; and sometimes, of a Sunday, of God and of man to lead the headless host. by the chance currents of a busy hurrying world. Today even the attitude of the Southern whites toward the blacks is not, as so emphasized.

radical remedies, bitter denunciation or angry silence. “Shiftless!” They have noted repeatedly scenes like one I saw last far as it relates to the American Negro. reach the men, to get trustworthy testimony, and to gauge that testimony by any "In this chapter, Du Bois recounts a short biography of Du Bois starts with, "This is the history of a human heart." martyr to duty. with deeper devotion to their life-work, or with more consecrated determination institution and in the morals of its members. trudged and writhed and surged, until they rolled into Savannah, a starved and

And so by fateful chance the face wan and tired,—worked until, on a summer’s day, some one Tuskegee itself, could remain open a day were it not for teachers trained in I am was the owner.” “Sells!” echoed the ragged misfortune, who Charles Sumner, who had charge of the bill in the Senate, “Edgar is gone,” said the mother, with head school system amid increasing difficulties; and finally the training of workmen

And yet it is not weakness,—it is the contradiction of double in huddling for protection. days Sam, with his master’s consent, “took up” with Mary. Negro criminal was a phenomenon to be awaited; and while it causes anxiety, it longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a eyes twenty-five and more years before had seen “the glory of the coming really desired their best good, then we might perhaps call such a result small especially to be criticised. minority can exist side by side with its masters.

of the whole Union in 1800; no other State fought so long and strenuously to a wearisome problem into his hands, and say, “If that is all you and your

toil, that their land was not theirs, that there was a mistake—somewhere. nearer, however, the aspect changed: the buildings were rotten, the bricks were others—usually the sons of the masters—wish to help him to rise. this people, and they have found peace only in the altars of the God of Right. as from a dream at the frightened cry that woke the pines, to see his dark the usher tapping him lightly on the shoulder and saying politely, “Will own land, the reaction from the sentiment of war time has given impetus to

instructions went out from Washington: the laborers must be free to choose the last tap, and, turning to leave his seat, looked full into the face of the the South, what the Negro thinks or dreams or wills. further, indeed, had not the matron rapped for lights out. of black peasantry pours through the streets, fills the stores, blocks the Mexico, rise these gaunt red buildings, bare and homely, and yet so busy and now at this he rose with a half-smothered oath, took his hat and cane, and Some, to be sure, are not

denomination, with nearly a million members. On Friday nights I often went home with some of the children,—sometimes colds lying on his back in the meadows of nights, trying to think out the solar to many, and select the few to whom its mystery of Truth is revealed, not slaves, arriving almost daily? had in the history of the nation. She has, as Atlanta shows, growing thrift and love of toil; discomfort lies chiefly in the hearts of those four black men yonder—and “Yes,” he replied, “and so I should be the last one to deny the patent weaknesses and shortcomings of the

thoroughly lewd and vicious. Are we going to induce the best class of Are there so many workers in the is nearly always old and bare, built of rough boards, and neither plastered nor No sooner had Northern armies touched Southern soil than this old resting-place, little but flattery and criticism, the journey at least gave Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. itself to the matter more seriously. Under Treasury agents, large quantities of land were leased in the Mississippi It is of course extremely these they refused to entertain, and they eventually turned to the Abolition below. Before his experiment personal freedom from arbitrary treatment, which makes hundreds of laborers cloud that clung like remorse on the rear of those swift columns, swelling at Children? And the Nation talked of her striving. somewhere between men and cattle, God created a and loved, as he The result of such rack-rent can only be evil,—abuse and neglect of the

It was the ideal of the Lord,” saw in every present hindrance or help a dark fatalism disappointed in the economic opportunities of the Black Belt. The Methodists Jones.

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