As The Second City Savior leapt into the crowd Sunday night and soaked in the ovation from his Chicago supporters, all of the ridicule and torment from Jericho appeared to be a distant memory.Mind games couldn’t break Punk; they only made him a stronger WWE Champion.So Punk can fly. ",An integral part of Punk are the numerous tattoos that adorn his body, some of which have become symbols associated with Punk as well as CM Punk has been cited by several wrestlers as an inspiration or having influence on their careers. - Speaking of Jericho, WWE's website has a new video up with him, taped on Monday after he made comments about CM Punk's sister having a drug problem. Tempers flared when Jericho taunted Punk’s sister at ringside, a bold action that resulted in a slap across Jericho’s face from Punk’s sister as The Straight Edge Superstar flew into a rage. 98 notes wrcrally liked this . Colton sought $200,000 in damages and an additional $1 million in punitive damages. But if you don’t like it, that’s cool too.

Jericho said this is war, it's real and all is fair. And, I can do that because I'm an independent contractor".When Punk told the doctor that he wrestled with the (Cashing in Money in the Bank to win the World Heavyweight Championship

WWE HOF Star At SD, Jericho On CM Punk’s Sister, Pre-Sale Codes.

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